Saturday, August 16, 2008

The no good, horrible, bad day!

Day started in a rush to head to Toronto to spend the day at the museum with the boys. About 2 hours into the drive the vehicle breaks down. Husband went with tow truck while I waited with 3 kids for 2 more hours waiting for a ride home...another 2 hours. Kids were not happy campers and either was I. I am grateful to brother in law for picking us up and was happy to be home! I am itching to get in the studio (as usual) and hope to do so the first part of the week!! Bye for now!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What's up...

Had a great day at Fibre friend, Tina Barnes' home. Worked a bit on a commission piece and felted a sample for Tina using some lovely dyed net organza and merino to show her the effect. It felted down 75%. Amazing! I also picked up my remaining pieces at Sandra Whitton's gallery and have cut up some silk ready to go in the dye pots for my upcoming workshop. I will give them the option of purchasing silk at the workshop or before. I hope to fire up the pots on Friday. I am itching to get in the studio but with big boys at camp it is special time with the little one. We visit a friend and my god daughter tomorrow and make some deliveries. I also pick up info for the Kingston Fibre Artists as I become the official chair in September. Bye for now.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


My son became a teenager yesterday and today is the last of the celebrations with family coming this afternoon. I can then focus on preparations for my next workshop and planning materials etc. I did not hear from Fibreworks yet, so fear I did not make it in. Not the end of the world, certainly, but it still bugs me when I don't make it in a show. Glad it doesn't happen often. Well, I must make a cake, tidy my house and focus on the day so tomorrow I can FELT!

Latest News

Hello fibre folk,
My opening at Sandra Whitton Gallery went well. I sold two pieces from my "Womb Service" series, which I had deemed unlikely, at best. I am amazed how I can be true to myself creatively and things go my way. I also have 2 commissions on the go. One for a long time "patron" and the other for, well, another "patron"! I am blessed with having people that support my work with enthusiasm and even tell me I don't charge enough (how fabulous is that?!). I await response from Fibreworks, which I have entered. My piece was a challenge to photograph, so we shall see. I will post a photo here. It is not on my site yet as it is a bit "secret"! I had over 100 hits on my site the other day so try to keep some things under wraps a bit! Some teaching lies ahead so I will be preparing for that making samples etc. If you want to learn nuno scarves, I am your girl... well, I am now needed as "mom"...bye for now...Moi