Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Great News-Award!

I was notified by the Tom Thompson Gallery today that I have received the Lincoln Croft Memorial Award at the "Convergence 2009" exhibition. I am so humbled and grateful for the honour and Acknowledgment. I don't know who Lincoln Croft was, but would like to find out. My piece Liberatio Captivus is what was recognized ("the sticks"). I am also hoping for good news on Masterworks East...tomorrow is the day! Long day today...more later. had to share.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's up

Hello! Today after I made a 4x batch of chocolate chip cookies, I headed into the studio to finish a piece for the Kingston Fibre Artists exhibit which will hang on Friday. I am excited to see the show and what all my fabulous "peeps" have been up to. It's funny that we meet every month and conduct business and the occasional peek at one anothers work, but what I will see is a complete mystery. Those who have seen the work I plan to hang have just said "weird". I purposely don't share my new work ahead of time or I tend to second guess myself. Last time I had a really "weird" piece, it went on to win an award, so I keep reminding myself of that! I do have concerns however that the piece is a little too sculptural to hang on the wall and the keepers of the space will think it sticks out too much. We shall see! I can easily make an adaptation (that invloves breaking part of it...but what are you going to do!)
I will be hearing if I made it into "Masterworks East" the first part of the week, but I have a good feeling. I will attend an opening reception for the show in Ottawa on Saturday and a conference on Sunday. I am looking forward to it! I am meeting up with artist friends Carolyn and Jane. so I won't be solo! I'm suddenly feeling footloose and fancy free...I actually think I don't have work for an exhibit to do...I have one in September, but I think until then, I can just play in the studio and plan for my upcoming teaching. I better check my book before I get all excited! Well, time to watch Nature on PBS with the family...then felting dreams!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have been thrilled, overwhelmed, intimidated, filled with gratitude and, admittedly, at times, a little full of myself today ! I received a generous grant from the Ontario Arts Council. I had a letter and a cheque in the mail today. I was taken with how such a large check is not even signed by anyone, but rather rubber stamped. This will fund my felt education for the next two years. I have to space it out as I am already traveling so much to teach and for my own work, but they are fine with that. I am not a great book keeper, but I will make sure I track everything as they need! I am very excited and happy I can add this to my growing resume. I also received my artists fees from the Tom Thompson Gallery...today was a good day! Tomorrow I will need to plant my feet firmly on the ground, give myself a reality check and be back to being a regular artist trying to make it all work, but just for today, I will float! G-nite...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Day

I was happy to have an extra day this weekend and spent a large part of the day in the studio. I feel like a day in the studio is as indulgent as a day at the spa (well, almost!) To be able to emerse myself in the process and be in the moment is a lesson I need to take out of the studio more often. My boys were relatively well behaved and only raced in and out on a few occasions. I am working on the last pillow sample. It is a small one and I may make another as well. This one is in the dyed finn wool...blue, orange and yellow and felts quite differently from the undyed wool in the grease. I still love it, of course. I have also set up 3 more pods that I now "just" need to felt. making the ropes is hard on the hands, but great to take out any frustrations! I will felt them when I am done the pillow and they are for my group exhibit that hangs the end of the month. Well, I am going to get kids to bed and watch some mindless show for an hour or so and look forward to tomorrow when I can once again be at the felt spa!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Birthday

Well, today was "the big day". I turned 40 on this Feb.14th. Last night I celebrated with 10 if my closest friends with a potluck, wine and lots of laughter. We kept everyone in the house up! It was the first time for some of them meeting as I know several of them from different circles. One takes a chance with such events! I seem to befriend strong women who love a good debate so there was lots of lively conversation...it all went really well and I have spent a great deal of time today reflecting on my gratitude for having these women in my life. Today I had hoped to make it to the studio, but rather had a lazy day with the kids and no cooking which was a welcome break! Monday is a holiday here in Ontario ("family day"). I will be in the studio tomorrow ready to go early and hope to get lots done. The Kingston Fibre Artists show hangs the end of the month and I need to finish up a couple of pieces (umm, actually start one of them) and get in my label information. I also need to felt my final pillow sample to send to Massachusetts. It is not "official" yet as the website is not up and running, but I will be teaching at the Midwest felters Symposium...hope you will catch me there (July). Well, my birthday "day" is coming to an end and my family will not be waiting on me as they kindly and willing did today, so I must get to bed. I will post a picture of the completed pillows before they head South. Happy Valentines Day.