Sunday, June 19, 2011



1. Perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation: "Andrea is in a quandary".
2. A difficult situation; a practical dilemma

I have completed one of the pieces for the October show I will be in in New Mexico after days and days of back and forth. I have it hanging and it is just missing something. I am in a unique position as it is exactly as I had proposed. It is just like the drawing and sample, but on a larger scale, and (drat!) it is missing something. I will ponder, mull it over and consider what can be done.In the meantime, I will proceed with the set of 3 sculptures for the same show and move forward.

I am still in the throes of end-of-year school matters and figuring out summer schedules. In the last few years, summer has been full of travel for me, teaching here and there, but found this was not a practical plan as I was leaving sad faces behind. You would think as they got older, it would be easier. It is, in fact, more difficult for all of us. I will get there eventually, but won't wish a single day away.I am lucky enough to have people willing to travel to come to me, so I will have some visitors this summer. Looking forward to that!

I also have a plan for the fall that I will officially announce later this summer, once I am all set up.

Visit my site www.andrea-

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Creativity of another sort

Yesterday amongst the tumble weeds of dog/cat hair, it became apparent the house work could be ignored no longer. Floors were vacuumed (The spelling of "vacuum" confounds me), scrubbed...even a base board or two, if you can believe. The hall closet is now free of all the winter boot grit. Shoes, long ago too small for rapidly growing teen aged feet, given to good will. Today some cleaning continues and I am making crumpets with one of my sons. He loves to bake! The studio will then be tidied and READY to go for a full day of felting tomorrow! Is it so?? "See" you tomorrow!
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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Getting my Groove Back

Where the heck have I been? Once again, not sure what vortex sucked me in and when it spit me out, but I feel like I am resurfacing! Dance rehearsals and performances this week for one of my talented off-spring, with a side dish of soccer and then I just may get to that piece on my table. I, along with Jane Thelwell of Anglin Bay Pottery, will be speaking about the Ontario Crafts Council at the Bowmanville High School next week. They have a wonderful credit program for Craft. Fabulous. School almost done and some private students in my studio on the horizon. More interesting update later! TTFN.
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Thursday, June 2, 2011


I had a great, albeit very brief, visit to Toronto last night for our annual general meeting for the Ontario Crafts Council. With every meeting and event, my affection for this organization, and the people involved, grows. They are so professional, organized and supportive and such an amazing group with a great mix of serious crafts people, patrons and professionals.

I met for a brief moment with Sandra Dupret, Dean/Principal of Fleming College in Haliburton. She will be curating a show of Canadian art at Wayne State University and she has invited me to be included. I am both honoured and excited to take this on. The show will hang in November, so not much time, but I know I can do it.

With summer in sight, and I know it will go fast, I may have a full plate if the 2 projects that were submitted for local grants go through (submitted by others, but that include work for me)

New Mexico show in October, Wayne State U in November. THIS is why I leave lots of gaps in my schedule. You have to be ready for those opportunities that seem to come out of no where which are, in fact, leads from groundwork laid over years of arts practice. Love how those things happen.

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