Friday, January 27, 2012

Steaming (mad, that is)

Oh! Peek a boo! Yes, my work hanging out the corners that could be removed through the holes!

Okay...I am so ready to put this to rest, but must vent/provide a cautionary tale.

In a nutshell...was invited to be part of a curated felt show with many other respected feltmakers. I sent work. Work was returned packed so poorly that the pieces fell out of the corners of the box (thankfully not lost).

I sent an email disgusted by how they handled my work. No reply. Sent another email to someone else who made a few excuses for lack of communication. Attached to her email was the internal communication in which I put 2 and 2 together to determine that the person who packed my work (co-curator!) is an "award winning" fibre artist for decades and was president of a handweavers guild...and this is how she packed my work? Wow. Really? Her name or the organization I will not reveal, but I certainly will not forget.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

happy family...

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Sunday, January 15, 2012


Winter?! Whaaaat??
I had been duped the last couple of months into believing I might possibly not have to dress in schlumpy clothes, shuffle about in rigid winter boots or see my own breath, but alas, it has happened. I would like nothing better than to be able to hide under the covers and hibernate. However, I must go purchase boots for children who curiously do not share my "distaste" for frozen pant cuffs, snow falling down the back of the neck or clear rivulets running from ones nose. When the children were smaller, I tried to embrace the season. I really tried and found as soon as they were old enough to be out there by themselves, I was so happy to just stay in and make hot chocolate for them instead!

I hope the trip will be quick and painless and I can get home quick to my cozy studio and my wool! May this winter be brief!

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Workshops: Students needed :o)

I did post this on Facebook, but realized I did not post it here! I have having 2 workshops in my studio next month. My goal was to respond to so many local people who have asked about workshops and, of course, the ones replying are from afar! C`mon locals!!

In any case, the space is limited as it is here at my place.

Sunday Feb 5th: Vessels- $100 + $15 materials FULL

Sat/Sun Feb. 25-26: Felted bags- $200 + $20 materials + leather strap (if selected) FULL

9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. My least favourite thing is chasing registrations, so if you are keen, email me ASAP.

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what's up...

Detail of finished piece...
Another detail....
working on layout...
first look this a.m. (about 24 x 36, I am guessing)

Yesterday I felted an abstract piece I have been working on for a show titled "I AM WATER".
This is a group invitational with some well known local artists to bring awareness to issues surrounding our water. It will be a month long event with lectures, literary readings and music...and, of course, visual art. The show will take place in the early Spring and this is my "getting my feet wet" (yes, bad pun) piece. Not sure what will evolve, if I will even submit this piece, but I am just playing. I have some ideas for some 3D pieces based on the know I love 3d. As I write I am having some ideas that I look forward to exploring!

I have 2 students joining me today by webcam from the far, far north for a brief time and a student from Argentina next week, so I will fit all in between! I do look forward to keeping you posted!!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Out of my Shell...

The kids are back at school and I have taken a couple of days to move s-l-o-w-l-y.

I am now, with trepidation, peeking out and making some plans for some teaching in my studio next month and lots of web students. I have some art to make, some play time and by the time tender blades of grass poke out from the slush, travel will be all planned.

I received many (many) leather handles from JUL Designs (they are sooo nice) so some bags are in the future. I have a show in the spring themed on water, so will soon begin on that also.

I was like a tornado the end of the break, cleaning out closets, painting a bathroom and organizing my studio store room. The studio is pristine, materials are stocked and I am feeling in need of some human interaction of the student-kind. Looking forward to the year ahead!

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