Thursday, May 31, 2012

What's up...

New bags ready for grommets

detail...Peachy/orange one: sold :o)

Ready for grommets!
Patty likes grommets

Ready!! Oh, they are nice to wear.


...and another
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Sunday, May 27, 2012

My busy 2 days...

 I am looking ahead to fall gallery needs and when the mood strikes I am doing scarves. There is nothing worse than doing scarves when you don't feel like doing scarves. I am also never happy with one I do because I "have to". Incidentally,  I ended up loving all of these...The above scarves are felted and ready to full

 Mid way through fulling (dropping gently, checking edges frequently)

Still more fulling to do, but ready for cuts.
Cuts done and fully fulled!

shrinkage difference between partially fulled and fully fulled

Right: Fully fulled/ Left: needs more...keep going!!

Okay...scarves done. Time for the Cat Cave!

"MmmHmmm, green inside will match my eyes"
BIG resist!

Making flowers for the 3D element!

Fully fulled! 40% shrinkage.
Doing some shaping.

Flowers just for my Patty.

I cut the hole a little larger because Patty's fat a** would not fit. It has treats inside so just waiting for her to discover! I really like how the lighter brown goes to dark brown and with the green inside.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

What's new...

 A simple bag I made yesterday. It's made with C-1 in Caribbean and Turquoise Blue (from New England Felting Supply, as usual). I actually made it on a large teardrop shaped resist, cut out the area between bag and handle, stitched (at prefelt stage) handle around a cotton cord and continued to felt. Worked great. It has a pocket inside and will have a zipper.

 I am looking ahead to the fall and will be starting my scarf production soon. I am having buyers remorse, but it was necessary, as I have just purchased lots of printed silks. Spending hundreds of dollars on materials that can take a while to have a return can be painful! This shows stacks of prefelt that I have cut into scarf lengths ready for layout with silk and more wool.

 Patty: "1. Stop here. 2. Pet me"

 Selecting some silks for this beautiful green. It is so worth it having a good selection.

Patty agrees.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What I have learned...

As suspected, like all traumatic events that have a favourable outcome, I look back and think, "That wasn't so bad". Will I make another raw fleece rug? Likely. Will I remember to keep my mouth closed while fulling and poopy water is airborne? Definitely. Another tip: If your finger hits a particularly sharp bit of veggie matter, resist the reflex to put finger in mouth. A hazmat suit would also be helpful.

Seriously though, I do not want to dissuade you from giving it a try, if I have not already done so! I made one before in a Romney and it took a very long time to felt but this Tunis felted very fast. So...

1. Before going big, do a wee sample. Yes, I know. I used to think sampling was for sissy's but in this case it is just smart.

2. If you have a choice of raw fleece, pick one on the cleaner side that is sheered in a nice sheet with all the cut ends neat.

3.  You can use a base of a different breed wool that you can depend on that is suitable for rugs. If you think it may be a stubborn felter (you will know because of your sample, right?), toss in a layer of mayonnaise merino.

4. Lots 'o layers makes a nice rug with a substantial base.

5. Work outside.

6. Be prepared to get messy, but take your time and have fun. It's the journey, not the destination. I think the blogging was as much work as the rug (see I am forgetting already)...and there is a lovely brown lamb fleece in the garage :o))). You know I will keep you posted.

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The saga continues...

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. A tale of one kitty...and a rug.

Don't even think about working outside again today. We work in the stuuuudio, remember? Don't cross this line or...I'll think of something later.

The beast and I reunited. Was not carried off by raccoons in the night.
tossing, feltmakers know!

Ack, back spasm!
Is it getting smaller! I fulled for a couple of hours.n

Tried to rinse well. It is so heavy when filled with water and sucks it all up. Difficult to get the dirty water out and fresh water in.Using so much water...a precious resource!
After one good rinse. Rolled up and left to drain a bit so I could lift it. Time for mechanical means and better use of water.
Whaaaat is thaaaat? You are not bringing that in the house are you? Is thaaat what you have been working on without me? Sheesh.

 ..into to mouth of the great rinsing/spinning device...and going to check now....
Ohhhh, that was the ticket!

looking (smelling) way better. Lets do that again...
round deux



Monday, May 21, 2012

Just now...

The review of the raw fleece (local Tunis). This stinky fleece cannot come into the house, so must be felted outside!

Hmm, I appear to have a table issue. Remedy entails moving dye kitchen. This is not going to happen. Guess we are working square!
Ohhh, the lovely Tunis batt that I had washed and carded locally. I only had to wait 4 months and pay a small fortune. I'm thinking "worth it", at this moment!

Layout begins. This is 2 layers where I split the batt and laid out strips. I then decided to move to shingles to make it more uniform. It also fluffs up the fibres a bit more allowing everyone to get friendly. Garage door partly down to protect from the breeze.

4th layer is  layer of natural fine merino. "Why?", you ask? Merino will be my little insurance policy assisting in the wet out. I am putting it in the middle. It's my condiment. Everyone loves a good condiment. Merino is my mayonnaise, if you will.

Another layer of Tunis over the Merino
...and another. That's 6 layers total so far.

A pat down that would make Homeland Security proud.

 Then I took a break for coffee and to create this post. The layout only took about 1.5 hours. Not bad. I can actually layout shingles better, quicker and more evenly than I can split the batt. Much better for me. Okay. I have another hour before I have to hit the shower to get ready to head out with the family for a bit. I would like to be ready to wet out before we go. you know I will keep you posted.

...I'm baaaack. I have determined a raw fleece rug is like childbirth. I must have forgotten the trauma from the last one a few years ago and, in spite of no good reason, decided to do it again. The poop was ridiculous. Just like childbirth also followed by whining, tantrums and more poop.

Laying the raw fleece on top took minutes. Unrolled it, voila! added a silvery circle.

Icelandic detail

Wet out begins
after some felting (rolling)

It is so heavy that I cannot drag it towards me as I roll it up requiring me to climb on the table. My effort to stay poop free in vain.
Oh, so amused. Standing in rivers of sheep shit. Rivulets running down my legs. Nice. 
Progress. Brought to you by the letter "O".

friggin' heavy


My shadow is now very long and my energy short. Time to leave this where it is and pick it up again tomorrow.

I will keep you posted!
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