Wednesday, June 27, 2012

wax. web. wool.

The show line up (smudge on lens!)

Some of the trees

mmmm, encaustic! Painting with WAX!

the morning commute!

Hat ready to full/shape by webcam

Saturday was the opening of  the show "Through Thick and Thistle" which was great... best part was drinks with some of the artists after! Sunday was a day of decadence as I was able to encaustic paint (for the first time) with a fellow local artist, another lovely friend and some new friends! Monday was my middle son's grade 8 graduation. Awards were received. Boat cruise was attended. Fun was had.

The last 2 days I had a repeat web student and we covered the whole gambit! Nuno sample, felted hat and a quickie flower.

The summer is ahead a full of possibilities! I will absolutely be making lots of scarves as I am well stocked with such an amazing variety of silk and I can't help but be inspired by it all. I also am looking at other possibilities and opportunities for Art (with a capital "A"). Ready to shake things up, take on some creative challenges that push me to think deep. I say this with trepidation. Change is always uncomfortable and uncertain, yet I recognize it's necessity in growth. You know I will keep you posted!

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Friday, June 22, 2012

What' new this week...

A more sedate palate than usual, as ordered ;o). These are done.

Midway through felting...some wild ones (my preference). I posted completed images later!

My week was all disjointed and I spent lots of time behind the wheel instead of the studio table. I installed my "Trees" at Modern Fuel. I am so pleased with them. I brought my Dad back the second day to reinforce the ceiling hooks as I was concerned if they got bumped during the opening that they might come down. The opening is Saturday, so will post some images. There were 50 submissions and 11 pieces of work made it in, so patting myself on the back. I look forward to meeting the curator.

In between all the driving, I managed to layout some scarves and actually completed 6 of them by working here and there for small amounts of time. They would dry out in between, so I would have to wet them out each time only to abandon them again! Ahh, the advantages of felt!

I usually relish a Saturday and not driving all over, but tomorrow I have things to do. First, they have beads on sale at Michael's, of course! Sunday I am very excited about taking an encaustics class. I'll keep you posted!

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Late Start...

Yes, Coffee makes my hair blow sideways while I fall asleep
It is a lazy, hazy summer Sunday, for sure. I began my day with some coffee and putting some finishing touches on a new pod. I napped (with a tiny bit of guilt). I am now drinking a bit more coffee and will be heading to the studio to tidy up and, if the mood strikes, begin some scarves or maybe something else! I have finished 3 pods since the tribe, but they are "individuals". They will likely all get mates and end up in new little collections.

...a bit of news: I have been named/designated/voted by followers of Fiber Art Now Magazine as an influential person in contemporary fibre art! I may have shared this with you already, but here is the link to the interview. If you follow my blog, my responses may be predictable, but I hope you will give it a read and ask me any questions you have. There are also some other interviews that I really enjoyed. Enjoy, friends

 You can subscribe to the magazine here

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Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm in...

I am so pleased that "Ghost Trees" have found another venue after being stored for several months. The curator, Rhiannon Vogl is the Curatorial Assistant for contemporary art at the National Gallery of Canada. A wonderful thing to add to my CV and makes the drive up to Toronto and back yesterday to pick them up worth it. I hope I get the chance to meet her at the opening. This is my first time showing at the Modern Fuel Gallery as a brand new member, so look forward to being involved and exploring more opportunities. *yeah*

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This week...

GHOST TREES (and some funny students :o))
 I had, in a bit of a fury, completed some calls for entry, grant/awards, gallery submission in the last couple of weeks. I did not pay too much attention to when work is/will be needed or when I might hear about acceptance/rejection. I just needed to get images converted and get them out the door before the submission deadlines. I am a "on a need to know basis" kind of person. I don't like to clutter my mind with things ahead of time or else I "worry" (Yes, I am a "worrier" too... who comes from a long line of worriers) So, when I received an email yesterday that I was shortlisted by a juror and I needed to deliver "Ghost Trees" this week (like *gulp* today) I was like "Oh, Sh**. Where are they? Can I get them in time?"

When they came back to Canada from Detroit 6 months ago (already? six months?), the Curator stored them in the Toronto area until we made a plan to cross paths. Thankfully Toronto is a manageable drive and I can collect them tomorrow and deliver them in time, thanks to an understanding gallery director. Whew. Now...fingers crossed the juror approves!

In the meantime, I have been making some sculptures and playing with some new shapes after a productive hour with my sketch book. It is nice when inspiration hits and then I have a "list" of things to make. All the vintage saris I have bought from ebay, etsy and elsewhere are trickling in by mail. Some are fabulous, others are a bit "Meh", but in combination with others, have potential. It is amazing how a so-so fabric can become fabulous once nuno-ed. I will be all set for scarf making when the mood strikes. Now, back to the studio to work on my visual list. I will keep you posted :o)

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

What's up...

New set of sculptures: TRIBE

Patty having a drink in the studio
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