Sunday, February 2, 2014

Back on Track. A New Track.

How many months have I been saying I have been in limbo? Many.
How many months have I been in this annoying holding pattern waiting to share? Many.
How happy am I to be over the hump and have this show hung and shot? Very.

The opening of "Transformation" at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum was yesterday and in spite of the snow the turn out was great. I had some wonderful conversations and it was nice to speak to some people with some fiber and art knowledge. I love hearing how people view my work as I then see things with a new twist. I is also nice to know that my work makes people think and reflect and that they relate to it in a personal way.

Bulbi II on the right is sold :o)

Curator, Michael Rikley-Lancaster speaking about the work

Chatting in front of "Seeds"

A collector in the making (nice job, Mama)

 As soon as I received images from my new friend, Shawn De Salvo
I had a long list of things I needed them for. A few deadlines were promptly met such as sending them to Russian felt magazine "Felt Fashion". This is a very nice magazine...well done. Will share once it is out with a link (in a month or so) where you can get this. I also sent images to a woman who I am hoping will write about my work for some other submissions. I was also contacted by a couple of enthusiastic young curators in NYC that have submitted a proposal for exhibition based on their vision, a specific space and my work. I love how that process evolved and it was fun to do the back and forth meeting deadlines with someone else...I am usually solo in the process! That in itself was fun. If it proceeds, even better.

I applied to an Artist in Residence call in a far away land of mist and sheep...a long shot, but was really (really) drawn to the prospect. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I have another call to apply to, but need "new", not shown before work. hard to fudge that with my work and practice of sharing everything ;o)  This will be on my agenda this week along with working on my 3 large (7 foot) sculptures for the Modern Fuel Gallery here in Kingston for March. I think they will need to be assembled on site mostly, so I have decisions to make in this case! No wool, if you can believe, but definitely fibre. I now have website updates to tackle, a proposal and a grant application to complete.

I am fielding teaching inquiries and filling up my limited spaces. 2014 is largely full as I am leaving some space open waiting for some confirmations that hold my priority as well as time for my own work with a solo coming at the Canadian Guild of Craft (2015). Once the schedule is settled in the next couple of months, I will fill you in on the website.

So...that said, I have a lot of things going on. not only am I feeling back on track, but I am also on a new track and am feeling that my career is in a period of "Transformation" in such a positive way.
