Saturday, August 14, 2010

Next Up...

I have just had a great 2 days with a woman from Toronto, Pam, and her two lovely daughters, Katie and Allison ("Hi"!). It was nice to have some young(er) female energy in the studio. My boys sure made themselves scarce! They (we) worked hard. The first day was spent making prefelt for design elements and laying out the fibre bases for some really nice pillows. The girls made flowers with free-flapping petals and Pam used a resist technique that is one of my favorites. The second day, we rubbed (and rubbed, and rubbed) and fulled (and fulled), and made a few little repairs and we were done! Thanks Pam, Allison and Katie for coming.

It took me most of the day today to lay out some scarves for a new gallery ("new" meaning new to my list of galleries) in Belleville. I will be meeting feltmaker friend Maureen for lunch next week and I will take them enroute. I am being optimisitic that they, and at least 4 others, will be done by Thursday.

I was faced with 2 bins of tangled up silk and also had to do a little reorganization before I could lay these out. It never seems to matter how much silk I have, I always seem to need more. I have promised myself I will be good until after the holiday season and make scarves with what I have. I am now faced with the decision if I will try to put these in the machine. I would, in any case, roll by hand for quite a while before considering putting them in. It's what I bought it for...I'll keep you posted!

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  1. Andrea, I love the scarves you made. They are very special and inspiring. Good luck!
    Love, Riet

  2. I am such a fan! You never fail to inspire me. I have your link on my site
    I hope you visit some time.

  3. Wow, that looks very nice and interesting. I like the one with the most white.That`s very exciting.It reminds me of Modern Art.
    Hadiah Schumacher

  4. Wow that looks very nice and interesting. I like the one with the most white. It`s very exciting.It reminds me of Modern Art.
    Hadiah Schumacher
