Sunday, October 10, 2010

Waterloo...and a few of my favorite things

Yes, food! After a frenzied a.m., my wonderful host, Mary, magically whipped up this beautiful lunch for me.

Felting women (and wine)

A stunning array of samples- the fruits of our labour
I had such a great time in Waterloo at the amazing Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery and hope that they will invite me back soon. Mary, with the OCC, was a very understanding person as final details were ironed out and was a great host along with her husband and cute-as-a-button son (He is "two point five"). Thanks so much.
Emily at the gallery was as warm as the fleece in the sunny window and I hope we cross paths again soon. She is really super. My students worked hard and each made 2 samples incorporating several techniques. They are well on their way.
I will be teaching a 2 day bags class this weekend and can then get some work done for galleries. I need to sit and make a list of my committments and look forward to blocking off some serious studio time, limiting my web surfing/facebook/celebrity gossip/cnn/ procrastination habits!! I'll keep you posted on twitter (just kidding)

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  1. Andrea, it must have been a great expirience last weekend. The felting and the warm hearted peoplearound you. Enjoy the possitive feeling you got htere and keep it somewhere inside you, so you can always take a bit if you need it!
    Goood luck in everything, but don't stop blogging!!!
    Love, Riet
