Monday, October 25, 2010

Wising I had an extra day every weekend!

Scarves from yesterday... (Yes, I know. Same old, same old)
The bag I laid out while scarves were on le Machine! When I take scarves off machine to re-roll, I put the bag layout under the table. Works well.

Scarves after fulling, in a heap, waiting for me to full the bag so they can all be rinsed and spun together and finished.

off the machine and ready to full (by hand)

My "extra" day! spent hours cleaning out the garage, cleaning up dye kitchen (see under window?!) Ready to dye some silk for more scarves. I need to do a little more setting up!

Today is a pseudo-long-weekend for us, as today is a "P.A." day for the schools. It is like the clock stopped and we are given an extra day. I just love it. The weekend is alway full of all the things like chores and the like and to have an extra day that I don't have to drive is like having 2 extra works days. I had one of those weeks where everyday I had a mid day interruption. All it takes is someone needing a half hour or hour of my time and it takes me out of the studio for the whole day. Even on a good day, my day is short, but add an interruption, and I am screwed. This day is making up for last week and I plan on making good use of today as well. Making scarves and bags again, shipping them out and then....I am going to work on some ART!

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  1. Not the same old scarves to me Andrea .. they're all unique, inspiring and such supreme quality. Love the bag as well. That design is fabulous in it's simplicity and color.

  2. There is a book: A 7 day weekend!
    and that's the way artist should be able to live!
    I admire your work and the way you do everything, it is hard having a family and work at home.
    Lots of love and energy, Riet

  3. I understand your problem. But its the way it is... you make the best of it I'm sure. That I can see in the feltworks you make. Beautiful!!!
    Greetings... Peebee

  4. Being a working mom is always the same, but working from home is hard because lots of people don't understand that it IS work and not play (even if enjoyable :) I have a studio away from home and it helps a lot as people cannot interrupt as much...

  5. Yes, Kerry. So true. I'll get people that call or ask me to do things, because they know I work from home. I am VERY good about saying "no", but this week it all happened to be things that had to be done. I have considered a studio away from home, but even with the downside, I love having a home studio. It works for me!
