Monday, May 16, 2011

Time Flies

Gosh. Has it been a week since I have blogged? Not sure what black hole I temporarily disappeared into, but I better get back in the game. My parents have had a sick pooch (who is doing much better, thankfully) so nothing really seemed to take precedence. Toss in too many soccer pratices/games, an out of town field trip, dentist, my last show (ever!) for the retail business I own with my mom, a lunch/art meeting and, voila, another week into the abyss.

I enter this week in the hopes that I will spend less time spinning wheels and more time getting some things done:
- I will begin on a collaboration project I have going on with a photographer, Tracy Olan. This is a large-ish project with some things to figure and plan. That starts tomorrow. Deadline exists.
-The other large-ish piece I showed you before has been temporarily laid aside, but will be next in the cue
-Those raw fleece still beckon, but the weather has been fridgid...much to cold for a delicate flower like myself to felt in the out of doors.
There is then the other work that must be done
-planning the teaching year ahead
-thinking how I need/want to change my arts/teaching practice.

Never short of things to do! While the collaboration will largely be under wraps until the project is fully complete, I will keep you posted....

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  1. don't know what a pooch is, but hope it gets well soon and good luck with all your plans:)
