Not quite sure how it happened, but I have a lot going on in the next couple of months. I finished some work for The Guild Shop (wraps, hats, bags) and then finished and delivered the took-much-longer-and-more-work-than-anticipated installations for the Wayne State University show ("Oh, Canada"- to hang next month). I had some other invitations in between and, while I have not done a tally, I think I have 6 shows with work in. I am hoping this will generate some sales...novel idea, actually
selling art.
I am very excited. Also, in the next couple of weeks, I have web cam students! A new chapter begins. Oh, I feel so savvy. This is a great option for those who want to spend some one-on-one time with me and travel is prohibitive. I have a $30 webcam and I am good to go! I just have students download the software and the day is spent demo-ing, watching by me, checking in and out, all for the price of a regular workshop, payable by paypal. Of course, I am still traveling to teach and welcome students in my studio, but for those that can't get to me, it's an option!
My week ahead will be about a bit of art, teaching, and a lot of dancing zombies. I'll keep you posted.
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com