Sunday, December 13, 2015

A few days progress...

Alrighty. Ta Dah. Yes, I know...underwhelming. Process is slow and for you the follower I know it is hard to envision. My middle panel (they will run horizontally, be joined and the seams concealed) at this point is still the background. The felting and fulling process is time consuming and labour intensive (as I have repeatedly mentioned!) 

 This pile weighs about 40 lbs, and I am lifting and dropping sections fulling it.
 Not there yet.
'm taking a look at the outdoor sink at my studio wondering how I am going to rinse this thing as I am getting close to that step...The sink is too small, obviously and it would just soak in its own soapy water. Just trying to think ahead a step...

*Confession Alert*...

I decided to schlep the work to the apartment. It was heavy and wet and I had concerns with letting it tumble. First, shorting out the machine.(it was quite wet) Second, not having control over the felt (I never use the dryer) I put it in and rearranged ever 3 minutes or if I heard anything that sounded concerning. I did this for 40 minutes. My neighbor, I'll call him "Bob", was in the cue after me and I meticulously wiped the machine and got every spare fibre out :o). The second machine is out of order (no, I claim no responsibility!)

 Time to rinse so I went to the bathtub (not having all this in studio poses so many logistical challenges and need to problem solve)

Well, it was just too big and difficult to really get the soap out even in the tub. It was a stormy El Nino day. I needed to do this outside. I went to hose off the deck and it just got muddier so I needed to go to the studio to get some drop sheet...

I returned and laid it out (they are repairing our sea wall, FYI)

 Hosing off...
Rolled up to drain

 Went for a walk...listening to the waves and seeing the light on the water beckoned in a voice I could not ignore! My walk too me to the Pleasure Point Market...

 Drop sheet to dry(sorry neighbors)

Back to the studio with the damp felt...

 Time to begin on some rocks. I decided to add all the interior rocks before all the panels are joined as it will be easier to manage. Once the panels are joined, I can cover the seams with additional rocks and other details...
 I think this may take a while...My #1 concern here is a repetitive stress injury. Tennis elbow and carpal tunnel are possibilities. I will take frequent breaks and take care of my body. I am careful in yoga with arm balances and handstands (all inversions) to care for my wrists, especially.

Now for...more rocks. I have a seamstress expert (she makes boat sails and upholsters boats, as well as being a fabulous artist) coming on Monday to discuss the joining of the pieces and trimming to exact dimensions. I will keep you posted...

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