After procrastinating and agonizing over a statement (thanks to a patient curator)...I have finished the pieces for "Vessels" for the show "I Am Water". They will be delivered and installed in a couple of weeks and I look forward to seeing them in their final space (however, I love them with the orange in my studio) I am very pleased.
they are so simple and they really speak to me in so many ways. I think this is why the statement was such a struggle. It can mean so many things, but a statement was required for a book on the show and the planned events around the cause of the Lake Ontario Waterkeepers...a wonderful cause which I am only beginning to educate myself about. Water, we take to for granted, don't we?
Sometimes with a series of pieces, I anticipate the final one, knowing I am almost done. With these, every one felt special and I enjoyed all the way to fulling the last large one. A wonderful journey for which I am grateful in an unexpected way. Perhaps because I had time to work on them and other work happened in between...or, I prefer to think, just because they are special.
With piece like these, it is unlikely they will find a home other than touring to a couple of places and ending up in storage, but I really wish they would find a permanent home. Maybe that will happen or maybe the permanent home will be with me. Time will tell. In the meantime, I look forward to the installation and I will certainly post images from the gallery and the opening. I may even be brave and make a special fascinator for the occasion.
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