Friday, September 21, 2012


I have been in the studio getting thing ready to take to the guild shop in Toronto. I have lots of beautiful scarves, bracelets, ornaments, bags...and a few hats. I was inspired by the hats of Norwegian artist, Hillevi Huse, and am making a few for fun.

My eldest asked if I was planning to market them to retired circus performers. What is he implying, I wonder? Are they a little wild? Too colourful? Too may protrusions and springy things that sprout out or collapse? I think I am okay as he did say "retired" performers suggesting they are more sedate than those which would attract currently active circus performers. That is what I am going with, anyway. I will take images, of course, once they are all ready to go! (scroll down!)I know some daring folk in Toronto will appreciate them!

Ahh, it is the hour I need to consider dinner and the 2 hats I was working on today are complete. The purple one is my attempt at creating a more sedate head piece. successful? Yes. A bore? Yes. The next one will, perhaps be a hybrid...either a funky design in a sedate colour...or a sedate design in a funky colour. Time will tell.

bracelets ready for Toronto...sterling magnetic closures :o)

Ultimate comfort food.

THE hats...what fun to make.

love this cutie. 

More to come...I will keep you posted :o)
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Karen said...

Hello Andrea, your hats are beautiful!!! Will have to do another hat class soon;)))
Went to New England Felting Supplies and saw all your beautiful thing!! Lovely....
best wishes to you. karen

Gretz said...

Oh I LOVE the hats! Wish I could take one of your classes!

Threadpainter said...

LOVE your hats !!

time to relax

time to relax
Liberatio Captivus