Monday, January 17, 2011

Day One: A Piece of Cake

Oh, what a great day. I woke on time, van loaded, lunches packed, kids dropped off in the bitter cold (bye. boys!) and I toodled up the road to my Artist-Educator in residence position. I entered my studio...all was quiet... too quiet (crap. #1: bring radio), I looked for the clock (#2: bring clock) and paced around a bit wondering if someone would be checking on me to see if I was punctual (which I was and, incidentally, always am).

Okay. Project. Yes, I need a project to get me to 12:00 before my students arrive. Short fibre merino beckons and, voila, jewelry it is. Pal, Ingrid, drops by with a cold Starbucks (she had a detour. I was grateful, nevertheless) and we chewed the fat (must look up where that expression originates) while I see-sawed away on my bamboo mat making ropes. Ingrid did not mind for she is a true friend. Alas, her meter is about to expire, so I am again in my silence looking for a clock.

Angela, the co-ordinator, appears and (sky opens, sea parts, angels sing) brings me...a radio...and a technician to connect me to the internet (more angels singing). Oh, life is good.

Oh, students, yes, they come! Some are late, some are sleepy, some not authorized to attend, but "hey!", all pretty enthusiastic. I am game. Away we go. Anyone here felt? (crickets) anyone here ever see handmade felt (more crickets)...okay, square one and off to the races. 11 scarves in 2.5 hours. Done. Next?

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vilterietje said...

did they enjoy the day? must be! love, riet:)

FeltersJourney said...

Sounds like the day went really well - congrats x

time to relax

time to relax
Liberatio Captivus