GHOST TREES (and some funny students :o)) |
I had, in a bit of a fury, completed some calls for entry, grant/awards, gallery submission in the last couple of weeks. I did not pay
too much attention to when work is/will be needed or when I might hear about acceptance/rejection. I just needed to get images converted and get them out the door before the submission deadlines. I am a "on a need to know basis" kind of person. I don't like to clutter my mind with things ahead of time or else I "worry" (Yes, I am a "worrier" too... who comes from a long line of worriers) So, when I received an email yesterday that I was shortlisted by a juror and I needed to deliver "Ghost Trees" this week (like *gulp* today) I was like "Oh, Sh**. Where are they? Can I get them in time?"
When they came back to Canada from Detroit 6 months ago (already? six months?), the Curator stored them in the Toronto area until we made a plan to cross paths. Thankfully Toronto is a manageable drive and I can collect them tomorrow and deliver them in time, thanks to an understanding gallery director. Whew. Now...fingers crossed the juror approves!
In the meantime, I have been making some sculptures and playing with some new shapes after a productive hour with my sketch book. It is nice when inspiration hits and then I have a "list" of things to make. All the vintage saris I have bought from ebay, etsy and elsewhere are trickling in by mail. Some are fabulous, others are a bit "Meh", but in combination with others, have potential. It is amazing how a so-so fabric can become fabulous once nuno-ed. I will be all set for scarf making when the mood strikes. Now, back to the studio to work on my visual list. I will keep you posted :o)
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com