Waiting for my flight in Terminal 3 at Pearson Airport in Toronto. Met a nice Geological engineer from Turkey. I told him I always seem to meet a geologist/geological engineer..he says it is because they travel so much. makes sense.
Time to settle in...10 hour flight to Santiago.
My seat mate from San Francisco (Hey, Dan) was unimpressed with the fog.
Considering I had no idea we were landing in Santiago, this was a "treat"....my ticket says "Buenos Aires", but we must deplane, clear security, get finger printed, smile for the camera :o) ...and get back on board the same plane.
Welcome to BA...a city of over 10 (yes, ten) Million...
The view from my apartment kitchen window...it is winter here now, but with the sun today, you would not know it!
Ready for day one of teaching in a beautiful gallery that supports the exhibition of the work of traditional weavers in remote areas of Argentina.
The women arrive...lots of kisses in South America.
First dinner out...baby Argentinian beef, wine, arugula. Fantastic. The best tasting meat here.
My teeny tiny elevator...room for 2.
My starting point each A.M.was the Starbucks. I have a food allergy and while away and solo, I need to stick to what is predicable. A Starbucks Latte is a safe way to begin...not to mention delish and a great place to people watch with doggies and winter coats.
My corner in my hood.
the best part...the feltmaking!!
Lots of fabulous pods. These are all made with 100% Argentinian merino! I really love this wool. So happy to have been able to use it.
Next workshop...making our prefelt...I can tell who are Julia's students...excellent layout!
and exciting accessories!!
Vessels in progess...
A night time tour...traffic in a very, very, big city...to China Town for fish!

squidy things.
What you looking at?
Starbucks not open yet...switching it up at the cafe.
on my walk to "work"
Argentinian spirit getting ready for the World Cup Match...
Results from the vessels workshop...I allowed some freedom and love the results..these students were ready for the creative challenge.
Lovely women
excitement over the results!
My beautiful host, Julia Rossi and I.
a free day and a walk about to the mall and such...
Swanky shops (picture of purchase to follow)
Required attire for lunch out durring world cup soccer in Argentina!
Mmmm, Milenese. SO good!
selling flowers on the street...
Condiments in squeeze bags. So sensible.
Really affordable, good wine...like $2.50!
A mix of old and new...love that...French architecture.
The Presidents house...pink.
Love to stop and take it all in and then one by one cover the bases.
Ruben Santantonin. Cardboard, glue, fabric and paint.
Diego Rivera
Frida Kahlo
Luch on the roof with my students on a day warm enough!
Hola, Kitty!
Susanna challenged me with a creative question...I helped her with the process.
At work
Landscapes and texture...so many variations.
Happy, happy
Waiting for the doggie walker.
Wool shops with U.K. feltmaker, Karen Ombler living in BA.
A charming path (this is the jacket purchased from swanky shop)
getting ready for the next game!
Sweet shops with lovely things.
Lunch out with Julia and my wonderful translators, Mirta and Sil and Julia! A round of beer with each goal by Argentina!
Back to work with a new group.
Most cars have crumpled spots :o)
Markets and doggies.
My students have to coolest shoes and jewelry. I always leave with a list of designers!
Fun results!
Cold day, but the sun is shining!
last night and a lovely surprise and a gift from Mirta..handmade by her from paper and linen. Love it.
Julia made me delicious empanadas for the flight which I enjoyed with wine and a move. Thank you, my dear.
It is late and I cannot sleep...but I am headed home so no worries. I have returned full of gratitude with lots to process. I will keep you posted... :o)
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com