Several Years ago now, I had a call from woman looking for tires. My husband used to race cars and she, Carolyn Butts of Bon Eco gallery (please look at the site- really great stuff) was making fabulous home decor items from post consumer rubber. One converation led to another, we met again at an art festival and since that time, we have been bouncing around ideas to combine our areas of expertice. Well, this is finally coming to fruition. Carlolyn has designed a subwoofer that doubles as a piece of one-of-a kind furniture. I will be creating a piece of felt to be used as the fabric to cover the top of the piece. Carolyn will offer this as an option for custom orders and I (or Carolyn) will consult with the purchaser on design and colour, etc. This is a high end product so it is not like we are going to in full on production and not every order for these pieces will desire the felted wool cover. I have yet to calculate the cost, but this will vary depending on type of wool and design elements. Carolyn has delivered the base (actually a prepared tire that was once on my husbands race car! It is a "slick" no treads) of a prototype for the felted top and this will be sent off to design shows and high-end electronics venues...I wonder what will come of it??
In the meantime, I continue to work on my FeltUnited pieces ready to install next Saturday to recognize the International Day of Felt. I then must lay out some scarves requested by New England Felting Supply gallery and work for another gallery the Silo Weavers Gallery. I have a private student here in my studio Mon/Tue/Wed, so whatever does not get done before then is on hold until later in the week. Lots to do...all good stuff. I am so happy to be back "making"...feels good!
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
1 comment:
Andrea me encanta ésta técnica pero no se donde comprar la aguja y la lana me podes dar una ayuda?mi blog es artesaniasenmismanos.blogspot.com espero tu respuesta gracias!!!
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