amongst the tumble weeds of dog/cat hair, it became apparent the house work could be ignored no longer. Floors were vacuumed (The spelling of "vacuum" confounds me), scrubbed...even a base board or two, if you can believe. The hall closet is now free of all the winter boot grit. Shoes, long ago too small for rapidly growing teen aged feet, given to good will. Today some cleaning continues and I am making crumpets with one of my sons. He loves to bake! The studio will then be tidied and READY to go for a full day of felting tomorrow! Is it so?? "See" you tomorrow!
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
Hi Andrea,
Glad to know that your house needs attention, as mine does, when it suffers from the obsession of our artistic endeavors.. and that you have to stop and clean the house and make crumpets for your son.
This lets me know that you are just like the rest of us.... accept for your amazing ability to create felted masterpieces... which inspire me beyond imagination.
Andrea - the crumpet looks soooooo yummy - will you share your recipe??
The crumpets were actually a bit of a fail! The first turned out fabulous and then we got impatient waiting the 8 full minutes for them to cook, one at a time. We ended up with "crumpet pancakes" which, while still delicious with maple syrup (what isn't) were not quite the same! ;o)
Superb works and deligtful writing on your blog, very relatable!
-Eva Maria
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