I am not a fan of making "kits". I like variation and surprise, but teaching very short workshops for my Artists-Educator in Residence position at Queen's University means I must prepare as much as I can before hand. No pussy-footing around for my students if they are going to get any felting done! I will be teaching some wet felting, as well as needle felting and I am not sure what to expect from my students! I will teach 1-2 workshops a day and will likely be spending the remainder of the day cleaning up and setting up for the next day. The studio is a nice open space and I really look forward to moving in. I may just not want to leave! I have a couple of weeks left to prepare and I know that time will go very quickly, so I am not leaving things to the last minute.
I am soooo itching to felt right now. I have a couple of new ideas to play with as well as a couple of shows to prepare for. I feel like there is something out there about to come my way, hope my instincts are on track. I am back to my regular routine tomorrow (which is more often irregular) and have too many options. You know I will keep you posted....
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
Great to see so many kits that will get into new felters hands! It's funny, i love putting together paper kits, but that's because they are all totally different, no two are the same!
Have a great day in the studio. For me, it's back to full time solo mama in the day but i get a few hours at night when dave comes home! fun!!
i wish you all the luck in the world and lookin forward to the results! love, riet:)
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