My work for a solo exhibition must be done by the end of February and I am also part of 2 group shows in the same time frame. I am not sure what work will go were as I am also waiting to hear about 2 (3?) other juried exhibition's. All this with the holidays coming and a busy time for my other business...the business I am getting ready to sell, which complicates things further! Of course, the 3 boys and the rest of life occurring simultaneously.
I am setting boundaries and budgeting my time, guarding my home/studio space carefully. No visitors/shoppers and only one day per week in town for business matters. I anticipate lots of bumps in the road, a pothole or two, and days I may be stuck in neutral, but I am moving forward.
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
Yikes! You're not selling the online wool store are you?
Sounds like a page right out of Trucker Management (did you read it)
The discipline is definitely the hardest thing. I find I can be so easily distracted and particulary when I have no clear vision or too many things to do and don't know where to start. You seem to have a good plan there.
Yes, I'm selling to wool business with all the toys and book along with it. I WILL continue to sell wool in larger volumes.
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