Well, made another hat and will finish the black one today. That is 5 hats in 4 days, for those counting. This a.m. I grocery shopped, searched for my dog who habitually runs away (and found him, thankfully after tears, followed by the "Do-you-know how-worried-I-was?" lecture), and have eaten a very unheathy breakfast...Dr. Pepper and corn chips. It was one of those impulsive hungry at the grocery store purchases. After a bout of insomnia, I figure I would further inflict inbalance on my ageing and protesting body. In any case...enjoy the pictures...check out the huge resist for yesterday's hat. Time to make some coffee and get to that black hat. Have an awesome, creative day and hug your dog. It has to be better behaved than mine.
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
I loved the little red hat...looking good, are the resists so large because you are working in fine merino? I have made many hats but never with such huge resists....impressive!
Ooh I love that first little skull cap....with your long dark locks, it looks beautiful. Might make a lovely submission, photographed with you in it. Just a thought...
Cool! Is a hat a "vessel"?.....as in the felt vessels workshop this weekend?
ok than so much hats in 1 week? You're a wonderwoman. Like them all. Are they for a gallery or shop?
What hats! They are wonderful. Inspiring.
Fantastic hats!!!!All!!!I loved Your works and I'm your fun from Poland!I hope that some day I'll meet You!Greetings from Poland
The black hat would be just perfect for the wedding I'm going to on Saturday, it would finish my outfit off a treat!
Instead I've got to cobble something together in the morning with an old facinator and some ribbon... I'd rather have had that hat.
I love the blue mushroom hat too, infact I love them all.. You make FANTASTIC HATS Andrea.
Iv been really inspired by your hats this week. Im going to make one this afternoon! Its also good to see another felter that has a busy life too. Thank god for felting as its the only thing that destresses me.
Good morning Andrea,
Great hats!
Those dogs...If they weren't so darn cute, we wouldn't put ourselves through all of the stress. Glad you found him. They're fast little buggers, aren't they? I gave my "bad boy" a big hug this morning. He's equally as naughty as yours! But, I love him to pieces. Fortunately he makes me laugh much more frequently than he puts me through the wringer:-)
Thanks so much all! Yes, Karen...a hat is a vessel. Funny, because the gallery asked if I made hats. My first reaction was "Ptsh, NO, I do not make hats!" I have had NO desire to make hats, but it took me about 2 seconds to reframe that into thinking about them as vessels for the head. "Yeah! I get to make scultures!" I can't wait to make more, but my bleeding hands need a days break.
Hi Andrea, I admire your work so much!! I'm form Argentina, I have done a workshop with Julia Rossi a few months ago. I just send an email to the account that appears here on the blog asking about the hat books you mention on this blog....I would like to know if they are useful for beginners like me!! thank you so much!!
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