The hat was made from some hand-dyed corriedale/Romney that I bought from one of my students in Saskatchewan. It is quite fine and perfect for this hat. The dots are prefelt from New England Felting Supply. Their "adjustable drape" prefelt is perfect for quick designs. I was not feeling very inspired and it got me going!
One of the scarves I delivered to the OCC guild shop. I call it the "Larvae Scarf", but was dissuaded in actually calling it that (go figure? Does not everyone need/want a larve scarf?!)
Me (looking tired and wrinkly) and Julia Rossi at the train station....

How is it possible that my student from Argentina was here a week ago? A week ago? Really? Julia Rossi and I had a wonderful visit and lots of felting and sharing resources. I hope she can take what she has learned and have fun with it at home with all her students! The day after Julia left, I went to Toronto to drop work off at the OCC Guild Shop, see an exhibit at the Textile Museum and attend a board meeting.
Okay, (confession time) I try to like Toronto. I really want to like Toronto. I like to think I am just a city girl and that I can just walk down the street dodging cyclists and people sleeping in doorways like it is old hat. I like to think I am dressed like a hip Torontonian and that I am capable of navigating the city streets and that I know where the hell I am. Alas, it is not so. I spent a fortune to park in garages that reek of urine (beats getting towed again- *cough* we won't speak of that), feared for my life on a couple of occasions, made a poor footwear choice, and I felt more like country-mouse than "hip".
In any case, I made it home alive and in record time and have been taking care of more business stuff than art stuff. Today, I went into the studio not sure what I was going to do other than stare at some fibres hoping inspiration might strike. First thing I grabbed off my shelf was Chad Alice Hagen's hat book (gosh, I love Chad!). "Yes", I said to myself, "a hat...a hat it will be". I can work in 3d, have fun with some sculpting and kick start the hats I have promised to take to ....oh, yeah...Toronto *sigh*
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
Sorry, but you DO NOT look "tired & wrinkly" :>]
And the Chad thing? Totally get it. I mean, the inspiration part. Definitely worked. Your hat is dye-no-might!
What a fun post this was, made me chuckle!
Love the design & colours of your hat and really love Larvae scarf! I'd want to try and 'pop' the larvae though, kind of like when I get a sheet of bubble wrap.
Oh my gosh! I love your hat!
Love that hat Andrea... And the scarf, I would not turn him away on a cool fall night!
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