My goal this week: 5 hats- 5 days.
Not sure where the day went...never made it out of my P.J.'s. A fact I totally ignored as I delivered a forgotten school lunch, a wool order and picked up a child at the dentist. Oh my, how I let myself slide when I am focused on creating! In any case, the above it the result from today (note: hoodie and unmade-up eye)
It was made on a much shorter template and was folded down (and fulled, and steamed) in a spiral rather than concentric circles. It feels very nice on...soft, lightweight. Totally not my colours, but then again, it is not for me! It will go the OCC box and await it's yet-to-be-made hat friends for the journey to Toronto. Another on the go for tomorrow...
Visit my site http://www.andrea-graham.com/
Hi Andrea,
Quite a task ahead of you...especially with children to care for.
I must try taking photos of my hats that way...perhaps with a made up eye...though I think your eye looks fine. I do have a huge template like that but I haven't used it yet... I didn't realise that it would make such lovely hats. Thanks for the inspiration. Look forward to seeing the rest of your hats.
Oh, a self-imposed "make 5 hats" is not a big task at all...that's playtime. I am teaching a workshop on Sunday and may end up making some samples instead. That's the great thing about my self-imposed goals- I can change them whenever I like!
wow! Your hats are so great, so wonderfull! I like your feltware (sorry for my english)
The hat is totally not your color, but it is totally cute! Like the one from yesterday as well. Very cool hats Andrea!
I know this is totally not my colour, but I am making them to sell...not for me :o). Hopefully it find the person it is the right colour for!
I love your hat, very beatifull, fancy.Congratulations.
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