Yesterday, I took the trek to the metropolis of Cornwall, Ontario to speak at the Artprenuer Conference. The panel I was asked to be part of was 9 artists and performers speaking for a couple of hours. It was really interesting to hear all the stories and get the perspectives from some talented, successful artists. We then had a little wine and cheese and I headed home.
I have lots of art things on my plate, but my house and creative environment has been neglected, so I have spent the day performing mundane household duties and picking up my organic chickens at the farm (dead... frozen tighter than cannon balls). I had to remove wool from my freezer to make space, so need to tackle my raw tunis fleece, in particular.
I also needed to order $800 of wool to maintain my wholesale status with one of my suppliers. So, over 25 kilos of wool ordered, and I am wondering how the hell I am going to make space. I think another shelf will be required. I am back in the studio tomorrow, so will keep you posted.
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
The lovely lady next to the guy, is that you?:)
love, riet
Space is always an issue here, I feel like I have wool coming out of my ears sometimes! Were you freezing the wool to kill (poential) bugs, or is this something you do to the type of raw wool in particular?
ha! i was just thinking the same thing as I pulled all my raw fleeces out to start picking today. i think I have about 30 lbs of various ones to go through and am seriously lacking space. never thought of the freezer lol! does that prevent lanolin from hardening like it would being left out? I've never heard of such a thing...
I would buy a few pounds of Pelsull/C1 from you :-P
I had a raw fleece from a local farm that I was concerned, if left in the garage, would attract pests. I just tossed it in the freezer to keep it pest safe until I got to it. I do not think there are any eggs in it, but did not want to take it to my studio with my entire wool stash and risk it. Raw wool does not visit my studio. Of course, it is now cold out and felting this raw fleece outside is not so appealing!We will have a sunny day this week, so will have to do it as my freezer is now full of chickens!
ugh, I had a box of fleece that was infested a month or so ago, it was aweful! I think it came from the angora rabbit fur that someone gave me... I was pretty mad when I found out! I did stick the stuff that could be salvaged in the freezer. I wish I had a freezer to fit all my raw fleece in!
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