Okay, I am not freaking out! The above shows 2 of the 4 walls. I am very excited after going into Belleville and having another look at the gallery space I will have for March. I have booked an artists talk and I had a nice visit with the curator...everything is right on schedule. I then met fellow feltmaker Maureen Harding for a lovely lunch and visit. She has recently moved closer to me and Belleville is our half-way mark. Maureen makes beautiful laminate felt work ("Nuno" to most folks) and has had recent success with some collaboration.
After 3 days of running about, meetings and decadent lunches out, I relish hitting the studio tomorrow and seeing what I can create for this amazing space!
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
THAT is a lot of space - good for you! I can't wait to see what you fill it with. hmm.. busy days ahead?
Now that you have said that, Cynthia, I am nervous!!
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