I had just left the dentist and had stopped at the famers market to browse before meeting
Jane for lunch. I was strolling from booth to booth looking for something yummy and local...*gasp*... what
is that?! I catapulted past the berries and sugar snap peas toward the basket of strange spiny pods. A very kind woman (keeping her distance, I should add) went on to explain how to
cook it. "
Cook it !?", I thought. I nodded as she spoke "...very sour...stir fry...sugar...tamari". mmhmm, I muttered, not really listening, as I admired this fabulous form. You may all be laughing at me and saying. "Duh, it is a bitter melon" (and you would be right!), but I have never seen one before. Will I photograph it? Yes! Will I create a felted piece inspired by it? Most certainly. Will I cook it and eat it? The jury is still out, but I wonder if the inside is as cool as the outside?
Visit my site www.andrea-graham.com
Wow, I too bought a Kerala today whilst vegetable shopping for an art project. I was looking for vegetables to make natural dyes for my wool before I make it into felt. I couldn't leave the kerala on the shelf as it was so pretty so I took it home and took lots o macro shots to capture the movement and patterns.
Anyway, was just looking up recipes for a kerala (as I havn't had much luck cooking them in the past) and came across this site;http://www.roshani.co.uk/livingtoeat/index.php/2007/05/31/green-knobbly-and-very-very-bitter/
I will have to keep looking though as I'm vegetarian. Take care.
It's always good to see new things so close to home! I had never heard of these guys...look forward to seeing what inspiration it's left you with.
Yes, I do remember you! And yes, I would love to photograph you. Another passionate artist - oh so lucky am I! When the time is right...let me know:)
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